The benefits of using a website performance budget

This blog post explores the concept of website performance budgets and the benefits of using them. It covers what a performance budget is, different types of performance budgets, and popular tools for setting and monitoring performance budgets. The post also delves into how websites have grown in complexity over the years and how performance budgets fit into the picture. The conclusion highlights the key benefits of using performance budgets, including the ability to ensure fast and responsive websites, prioritize performance optimization, and make data-driven decisions about performance improvements.

How users react to slow sites

This blog post explores the impact of website load times on user engagement and conversions. It discusses the negative reactions users may have to slow websites and emphasizes the importance of optimizing website load times to provide a positive user experience, improve brand perception, and increase conversions.

How to optimize database queries for improved performance

This blog post provides a ground level explanation on how to optimize database queries for better performance. The article covers key concepts such as the use of appropriate data types, data normalization, utilization of indexes, effective query writing, database monitoring, and caching techniques. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your database operates efficiently and your application runs smoothly.

Understanding Time to First Byte (TTFB) and How to Improve It

The blog post is about Time to First Byte (TTFB), which is a crucial metric that measures the speed and performance of a website. It discusses the importance of TTFB in user experience and provides tips and best practices for improving TTFB, such as using a CDN, optimizing server hardware and software, minimizing HTTP requests, and using a faster hosting provider. The post concludes by emphasizing the importance of regularly monitoring TTFB to ensure a fast and responsive website.

Top performance tools

In the fast-paced world of digital experiences, ensuring optimal performance is crucial for success. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of performance tools and their role in delivering fast, responsive, and reliable digital experiences. From real-time monitoring to resource optimization, we'll delve into the key features and benefits of some of the leading performance tools available today, including Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom, WebPageTest, Lighthouse, New Relic, and Dynatrace.

What is web scraping

Web scraping is a powerful tool for extracting valuable data from websites. With the increasing abundance of data available online, web scraping has become an increasingly popular way for businesses, researchers, and individuals to gather information for a variety of purposes, including data collection, competitive analysis, lead generation, and content aggregation. It can also be used when you want to work on performance improvements. However, it's important to use web scraping responsibly and in accordance with the law. In this post, we'll take a closer look at what web scraping is and how it can be used.

How to test changes on a live page without redeploying it

Understanding the impact of extra content on a page is very important to keep a healthy balance between the functionality of the site and its speed. When pulling more javascript it can have a negative impact on CPU and so it's important to test things upfront to prevent further performance degradations. To make things easy, we can incorporate creative practices to understand the impact of a certainintegration without changing the site itself. On this post we are gonna talk how we can achieve that using WebPageTest.

How to build a simple web scraper

You want to do a performance test on your web site and want to remove the backend complexity from the equation. Take a look at how you can do easy web site scraping to make your tests really simple.